New Kiosk at Pillar Point Harbor Provides Fishing Regulations, Information

Kiosk with fishing information at Pillar Point Harbor

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) in partnership with the San Mateo Marine Protected Area (MPA) Community Collaborative, the San Mateo Harbor District, and others, recently installed a new informational kiosk adjacent to the boat launch at the Pillar Point Harbor in San Mateo County. The kiosk will provide up-to-date information to recreational anglers before they head out on the water.

“We are excited to provide marine protected area and fishing regulations for the recreational fishermen that visit this busy harbor and hope that it assists them in complying with those regulations,” said Christine Pattison with CDFW’s MPA Outreach Coordination Project. “We also want to thank our many partners who helped to complete the Pillar Point kiosk project.”

The 4-sided wooden kiosk will provide easy-to-read fishing regulations for the Half Moon Bay area, as well as information about nearby MPAs and the different fish and invertebrates fishermen and others are likely to encounter. The kiosk also provides information about how to safely release fish and other conservation measures, and includes information about the history and environmental practices of the harbor.

“With this outreach project, the fisherman of the harbor will be able to get current and updated information on [sport] fishing and marine protected area regulations as well as information on Pillar Point Harbor,” said John Draper, Acting Harbormaster for the San Mateo County Harbor District.

Informational kiosks like the one at Pillar Point Harbor can provide anglers with a physical location to obtain current, reliable fishery and MPA information, greatly improving angler education and awareness. CDFW hopes that the end result of the Pillar Point informational kiosk is an enhanced fishing experience and protection of marine resources through increased regulatory compliance.

For further information, please contact Marnin Robbins, Fish and Wildlife Interpreter II with the CDFW Marine Region, at (707) 441-5798.

post by Fish and Wildlife Interpreter II Marnin Robbins ♦ Kiosk photo courtesy San Mateo County Harbor District

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